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Third Party is a FAILSAFE for a dysfunctional political system.

Party Organization

Third Party and all it's chapters will be organized as Common Law Trusts.


Specifically, the party and each chapter will be organized as a Business Trust. 


The party and each chapter will also have a corresponding Foundation Trust for charitable endeavors.

Business Trust

Why would a political party be organized as a business?


The practical reality is that politics is a business.  As such, we make this clear and transparent by structuring our party as a business.  We are openly a for-profit enterprise and our product is a FAILSAFE for a dysfunctional political system.  An additional benefit of being a business is that we are structured to be self-sustaining.  So no endless begging for donations from hard working Americans.  And no insane election spending. 



Why use a trust as opposed to an LLC or Corporation?


We structure ourselves as a trust because a common law trust is the legal organization most compliant with the highest law of the land (US) - English Common Law.


Read Below for More Info


Foundation Trust

Some party endeavors are charitable in nature, such as the HUE.  As such, we will have a Foundation Trust to build and share the common wealth, regardless of who is or is not in political office.


Read Below for More Info

Business Trust

Teen Controlled


All trustees shall be exactly 18 years of age.

B2B via Common Law Trusts

All B2B (business to business) transactions shall be with other common law trusts, to the maximum extent possible.

The business shall operate as a cooperative, where all trustees have an equally weighted vote in all voting matters.


The business shall never be restructured as a non-cooperative (demutualization).

Financial Transparency

Teen Operated

All  party members shall be 13-18 years old.

All financial transactions shall be executed on a public blockchain or functionally equivalent distributed ledger technology.

Business Revenue


The community will learn the practical ins and outs of politics at all levels through party sponsored Learning Parties.


We will provide political consulting for any political candidates from any party, or even another party itself.


Sponsored Business Co-ops

We will provide consulting and investing as an incubator/accelerator for cooperatives structured as a common law trust.

  • SLEC (Security and Law Enforcement Cooperative) - a private security firm cooperative

  • Merit Casting - a casting agency cooperative

  • cPay - payroll company for co-ops by a co-op

  • Government Sponsored Co-ops - worker co-ops funded by municipalities and states (learn more).

Foundation Trust

Teen Controlled

All trustees shall be exactly 18 years of age.  Also, all trustees shall also be a trustee of the corresponding Business Trust.

Financial Transparency

All financial transactions shall be executed on a public blockchain or functionally equivalent distributed ledger technology.


We encourage endowments from party supporter's trusts.

Coming Soon

Coming soon!

Foundation Programs

Hand Up Economy

Gradually move people to financial independence.


Learn More.

Prison Ministry

Empower prisoners to provide for their family.


Learn More.

Retirement Income Bounty

Self-sustainable retirement security for everyone.


Learn More.

Tax Income Bounty

Self-sustainable, voluntary government funding.


Learn More.

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